peace corps idea advice plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
im 19 and i am a nurses assistant. i want to go to the peace corps in China for 2 years, to help ppl their i beleive that it is a good experince for me, and im determined to go. the peace corps also gives you 6,000$ when you return home. Should i work for a year and then go to the Peace Corps while im young and dont have anything holding me back? here is my idea: work for a year as a nurse asisstant at a hospital go to the peace corps then come back and go to college for 2 years. what do u think??
Community Service - 1 Answers
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1 :
Crystal, Its good that you are working as a nurses assistant, however have you been to college (2 or 4 year?) because the PC generally looks for that, but it isn't necessary. Peace Corps does indeed go to China, but only to teach...they don't have health programs that go there. Not all countries the peace corps goes to (which is 72 or 73 of them) have health, most do, but China doesn't. If you get on you can find all the countries PC goes to, as well as what the volunteers do there. Also, when you apply, although you can preference a region, maybe even a country, there is no gaurentee. Some people beg for Africa or Latin America but get placed in Europe or Asia. some people beg for Europe but get placed in the Pacific. Its just the way it goes. They will place you where they see you best fit. As for the 6k upon return, the peace corps gives you a certain amount of money at the end of your service for each month you volunteered, so if you volunteer all 27 months, its approximately 6k they will give you to help you get a house or health insurance or whatever for when you return. But if you leave early and only serve....say 18 months, then you get considerably less money. Basically you earn it. If you haven't been to college, I'd at least go to get an associates degree if possible (of course it isn't always possible) especially in the area that you want to work in....or I'd go out and get a lot of volunteer work in the area you want to work in. Remember, the application process is long, it can take anywhere from a few months to a year and a half! Its a straining process, but worth it in the end. You must volunteer for 2 years, but it looks like you realize this. Pretty much, you earn your keep there. You work hard where ever they send you. But if you are interested in ONLY China and would not be willing to be placed anywhere but there (trust me, I know the lure of China, I majored in Chinese history and have been twice to Beijing).....then I would look for volunteer organizations that focus specifically on China or where you can choose your country. I doubt you'll get China, I couldn't even get China, because you have to have a teaching degree to go there, of course you could always use that 6k to travel to china after service. If you want health, Africa and Latin America are big on health. With the PC you have to go with the flow and take what they give, they place you where you best fit and can do the most for a country and its people. You may want some place specific, and may get it, but could get something completely different.
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Friday, September 28, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
32 and going back to college
32 and going back to college!?
When i was young i dream of becoming a social worker....working with people, talking and helping them. Dream no 2 be study information technology. I am married now and hubby has never ecouraged me he chooses everything for me...i dont wanna be a nurse its no a bad caree but its not in my blood. I told him that i wanna be a teacher again he is not happy...he is saying there is no money.....and IT "look on craigs list and tell me 1 person who is hiring any 1 with IT or it does not pay someone frm India or china does that for $7 and when you finish no 1 is going to hire dont have experience. I know they have counsellors at scholl would someone help me decide ..i went for math testing and i am so accounting background...What do u ppl suggest....where i am going to make money...i am getting old ppl and i need to make a living. My college is Santa ana....I am totally confused
Financial Aid - 2 Answers
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1 :
Your past interest was Social Worker to help people with problems, situations etc. Your current dream is Teacher to help people learn. You definately feel like you want to help people. How many Psychology / Sociology courses have you taken? You could be a Psycologist or Psychiatrist. I'm not sure what Information Technology is, what area of study is that? I am going for Business so I don't know what IT is or what courses you have taken for it. I agree that a teachers pay is not great, but you have the opportunity of advancement in that field. You can start as an elementary teacher and work up to high school and eventually become a college professor. Since you want to help people why not look into School Councelor, see what credentials you need for that and what it's paying. The educational field is such a wide field there are so many different opportunities. You could be a Financial Aid Councelor at a college. When you return to college just take a look at everyone you can and what their jobs are and ask yourself it's the job for you. Then you can ask them what the job is like and if they think the pay is fair, etc. Ask the professors, the councelors, the admissions advisors... Good Luck!
2 :
First of all, 32 is not "old". 32 is older than the traditional college student but it is not old in the absolute sense. I went to grad school straight out of undergraduate school when I was 23 and I was going to school with people in their 50s. Having said that, I think you may need to partially separate the idea of going to college from the idea of a job. There are many jobs where you can make decent (not necessarily great) money without a college degree. On the other hand, a college degree (in anything) can open up a lot of opportunities. Also, you do not have to have get a job only in the field that you studied in college. Most college degreed people are probably in a field that is either entirely different or just related to the field they studied in college. You say that you are going back to college, so I presume you want to build on some of the credits previously earned? If you were studying social work before and you're still into 'helping people', could you maybe just go ahead and finish your social work degree or a related field? You may not want to be a social worker now, but maybe you can find a related job with some public or non-profit agency that does a lot of human services work or even teaching or giving community education training (my local Red Cross has community educators who teach people emergency preparedeness, for example). After getting your degree and once you get your foot in door, maybe you can do professional development or CEU training on computers and information technology, so that you can later move to a position closer to that area that makes more money. You could probably even move on to be an IT person in a human services agency or educational institution, so you get the best of both of your worlds. I am with a large local public agency in the Midwest and we have had people in our IT staff with degrees in English, History, and other non-technical or non-computer related fields. To sum up, I advise you to get your degree in the most efficient and least costly manner possible. The degree, regardless of the field, would then make you more marketable (and even your husband should realize the value of a college degree as a passport to economic opportunity - almost equivalent to getting a high school diploma 40 years ago). Then, you can move on to beefing up your IT background on your career path through continuing education/professional development type coursework and training, as opposed to studying IT to get a university degree which would seem to be a much more costly endeavor for you given your background.
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When i was young i dream of becoming a social worker....working with people, talking and helping them. Dream no 2 be study information technology. I am married now and hubby has never ecouraged me he chooses everything for me...i dont wanna be a nurse its no a bad caree but its not in my blood. I told him that i wanna be a teacher again he is not happy...he is saying there is no money.....and IT "look on craigs list and tell me 1 person who is hiring any 1 with IT or it does not pay someone frm India or china does that for $7 and when you finish no 1 is going to hire dont have experience. I know they have counsellors at scholl would someone help me decide ..i went for math testing and i am so accounting background...What do u ppl suggest....where i am going to make money...i am getting old ppl and i need to make a living. My college is Santa ana....I am totally confused
Financial Aid - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Your past interest was Social Worker to help people with problems, situations etc. Your current dream is Teacher to help people learn. You definately feel like you want to help people. How many Psychology / Sociology courses have you taken? You could be a Psycologist or Psychiatrist. I'm not sure what Information Technology is, what area of study is that? I am going for Business so I don't know what IT is or what courses you have taken for it. I agree that a teachers pay is not great, but you have the opportunity of advancement in that field. You can start as an elementary teacher and work up to high school and eventually become a college professor. Since you want to help people why not look into School Councelor, see what credentials you need for that and what it's paying. The educational field is such a wide field there are so many different opportunities. You could be a Financial Aid Councelor at a college. When you return to college just take a look at everyone you can and what their jobs are and ask yourself it's the job for you. Then you can ask them what the job is like and if they think the pay is fair, etc. Ask the professors, the councelors, the admissions advisors... Good Luck!
2 :
First of all, 32 is not "old". 32 is older than the traditional college student but it is not old in the absolute sense. I went to grad school straight out of undergraduate school when I was 23 and I was going to school with people in their 50s. Having said that, I think you may need to partially separate the idea of going to college from the idea of a job. There are many jobs where you can make decent (not necessarily great) money without a college degree. On the other hand, a college degree (in anything) can open up a lot of opportunities. Also, you do not have to have get a job only in the field that you studied in college. Most college degreed people are probably in a field that is either entirely different or just related to the field they studied in college. You say that you are going back to college, so I presume you want to build on some of the credits previously earned? If you were studying social work before and you're still into 'helping people', could you maybe just go ahead and finish your social work degree or a related field? You may not want to be a social worker now, but maybe you can find a related job with some public or non-profit agency that does a lot of human services work or even teaching or giving community education training (my local Red Cross has community educators who teach people emergency preparedeness, for example). After getting your degree and once you get your foot in door, maybe you can do professional development or CEU training on computers and information technology, so that you can later move to a position closer to that area that makes more money. You could probably even move on to be an IT person in a human services agency or educational institution, so you get the best of both of your worlds. I am with a large local public agency in the Midwest and we have had people in our IT staff with degrees in English, History, and other non-technical or non-computer related fields. To sum up, I advise you to get your degree in the most efficient and least costly manner possible. The degree, regardless of the field, would then make you more marketable (and even your husband should realize the value of a college degree as a passport to economic opportunity - almost equivalent to getting a high school diploma 40 years ago). Then, you can move on to beefing up your IT background on your career path through continuing education/professional development type coursework and training, as opposed to studying IT to get a university degree which would seem to be a much more costly endeavor for you given your background.
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Friday, September 7, 2012
World Geo Question
World Geo Question?
Rate the countries according to possessions? Bhutan Haiti Thailand China England Albania Mali Kuwait Japan Mexico Iraq and Russia - for the typical family, rate it according to possessions Bhutan Haiti Thailand China England Albania Mali Kuwait Japan Mexico Iraq and Russia jobs: grandfather: retired oil worker; daughter: retail; daughter: computer specialist Father: math teacher Father: fireman; mother: nurse farmers - fish, pigs, vegetables father: produce distributor mother: German teacher; father: murdered all farmers - wheat,r ice chilies, livestock Father: warehouse worker All rice farmers Father: university professor; daughter: graphic desginer: daughter marine bioloist all garmers - sugar cane, grain father: rice seller and farmer please help? i can't figure it out we saw some posters of the material world but it's impossible to figure this out thanks in advance also match job with family:
Geography - 2 Answers
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1 :
This is a very complicated matrix and will take considerable time on my part to answer. I suggest you do your own homework or give me your credit card number and and allow me $785 USD for the service. Thank you
2 :
wow give me money first and i solver for you;)
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Rate the countries according to possessions? Bhutan Haiti Thailand China England Albania Mali Kuwait Japan Mexico Iraq and Russia - for the typical family, rate it according to possessions Bhutan Haiti Thailand China England Albania Mali Kuwait Japan Mexico Iraq and Russia jobs: grandfather: retired oil worker; daughter: retail; daughter: computer specialist Father: math teacher Father: fireman; mother: nurse farmers - fish, pigs, vegetables father: produce distributor mother: German teacher; father: murdered all farmers - wheat,r ice chilies, livestock Father: warehouse worker All rice farmers Father: university professor; daughter: graphic desginer: daughter marine bioloist all garmers - sugar cane, grain father: rice seller and farmer please help? i can't figure it out we saw some posters of the material world but it's impossible to figure this out thanks in advance also match job with family:
Geography - 2 Answers
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1 :
This is a very complicated matrix and will take considerable time on my part to answer. I suggest you do your own homework or give me your credit card number and and allow me $785 USD for the service. Thank you
2 :
wow give me money first and i solver for you;)
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Saturday, September 1, 2012
christians.i believe that everything happens for a reason
christians.i believe that everything happens for a reason!!??
:im 19 andd a girl why does it feel like, something is telling me to go to the peace corps....i am a nurse assistant and now i feel like i should be their, i can help ppl im going to join and leave in a year to go to china for 2 years. My family is against me going, because it's dangerous but its my desicion it feels as if God is telling me to go. why is that?? what should i do? any advice?
Religion & Spirituality - 10 Answers
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1 :
God also tells you to respect your parents, keep that in mind.. i don't know which is the right thing to do... but talk to your parents again.
2 :
You. Need to lay off those drugs.
3 :
My cousin tried the peace corps. and ended up coming home within a couple of months. She was sexually harassed the whole time by her superiors. Its dangerous because you also end up in areas where there aren't protections for you and civil unrest can mean a death sentence. Why don't you throw your energy into becoming a full blown nurse? or better, a doctor? There is a growing need for medical professionals.
4 :
You can use you illusion let it take you where it may We live and learn and then sometimes it's best to walk away Me I'm just here hangin' on It's my only place to stay at least for now anyway. I've worked too hard for my illusions just to throw them all away! I know it looks like I'm insane...But take a closer look I'm not to blame.... Cos if FAITH is blind I guess I'll buy myself a cane!
5 :
voices in your head are a sign of a seriously delusional sickness.
6 :
If you really feel that is what God wants you to do. I say God Bless and go. We have a family that is headed off to Kosovo for 7 years. If your parents are believers they will understand. The best way they can support you is in prayer.
7 :
Life is dangerous- cancer, Alzheimer's, AIDS, drive by shootings, drunk drivers... Everyone must find their own way. If you stay at "home" and work in an office and never step out of boundaries made by someone else you might wind up regretting it. If you go live your life the way you want to you should not have regrets. Your choices are yours. Also, I've known a few people who've been in the Peace Corps and they expressed liking it and learning a great deal from the experience. Best wishes to you.
8 :
If you feel that this is what God is telling you to do,You are the only one that knows that,I see what the first person told you to Honor your Mother and Father,which is true,but if you strongly feel that God wants you to go,Then you also have to obey Your HEAVENLY FATHER.Pray for God to show your parents as well,they are probabley against it because they Love you,and it worries them that your so young and well be on your own in a whole other country.If you were my daughter,I know that would be the case with me.
9 :
Yes, I do too. But the reasons are established by ourselves, if we focus on what we have been doing lately. You are 19, and old enough to do whatever you want, but I would advice to listen to voices with more experiences like those of your family. If they are against your joining the peace corps, they might have some obvious reasons to reject the idea. But if you are of those who learn only from their mistakes, go for it. But if things turn out to be disastrous, I hope you will be big enough to blame only yourself and not an unhappy childhood.
10 :
As a mom my advise is to tell you to go follow your dream and your heart, as hard as it might be for your parents to let you go... it's not really their decision. Tell them to have faith in the values they've en stilled in you as you were growing up and also to trust in God that you are doing his will. As a parent it is bitter sweet for us knowing we'll have to let go and let you live your own life... "sad for us but an adventure for you". Just reassure them that they have done a great job as your parents and you know how to make wise decisions. However have you considered another avenue where you can be helpful, like the military where you would be in a group that has more rules and is more liabel to protect you as you work for them? I think the Peace Corps has had some bad publicity and might not be as safe a place for a young woman. Your leaving the nest is going to happen someday it's inevitable they will have to learn to adjust, they knew this day would come, do listen to what they're saying for advice reasons they could be speaking from experience, as a Parent we only want the best for our kids but on the other hand have faith in God if that is where you feel he is wanting you to go then he guided your path! Best of luck in what you do! Go out there and enjoy all that life has to offer and make them proud.
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:im 19 andd a girl why does it feel like, something is telling me to go to the peace corps....i am a nurse assistant and now i feel like i should be their, i can help ppl im going to join and leave in a year to go to china for 2 years. My family is against me going, because it's dangerous but its my desicion it feels as if God is telling me to go. why is that?? what should i do? any advice?
Religion & Spirituality - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
God also tells you to respect your parents, keep that in mind.. i don't know which is the right thing to do... but talk to your parents again.
2 :
You. Need to lay off those drugs.
3 :
My cousin tried the peace corps. and ended up coming home within a couple of months. She was sexually harassed the whole time by her superiors. Its dangerous because you also end up in areas where there aren't protections for you and civil unrest can mean a death sentence. Why don't you throw your energy into becoming a full blown nurse? or better, a doctor? There is a growing need for medical professionals.
4 :
You can use you illusion let it take you where it may We live and learn and then sometimes it's best to walk away Me I'm just here hangin' on It's my only place to stay at least for now anyway. I've worked too hard for my illusions just to throw them all away! I know it looks like I'm insane...But take a closer look I'm not to blame.... Cos if FAITH is blind I guess I'll buy myself a cane!
5 :
voices in your head are a sign of a seriously delusional sickness.
6 :
If you really feel that is what God wants you to do. I say God Bless and go. We have a family that is headed off to Kosovo for 7 years. If your parents are believers they will understand. The best way they can support you is in prayer.
7 :
Life is dangerous- cancer, Alzheimer's, AIDS, drive by shootings, drunk drivers... Everyone must find their own way. If you stay at "home" and work in an office and never step out of boundaries made by someone else you might wind up regretting it. If you go live your life the way you want to you should not have regrets. Your choices are yours. Also, I've known a few people who've been in the Peace Corps and they expressed liking it and learning a great deal from the experience. Best wishes to you.
8 :
If you feel that this is what God is telling you to do,You are the only one that knows that,I see what the first person told you to Honor your Mother and Father,which is true,but if you strongly feel that God wants you to go,Then you also have to obey Your HEAVENLY FATHER.Pray for God to show your parents as well,they are probabley against it because they Love you,and it worries them that your so young and well be on your own in a whole other country.If you were my daughter,I know that would be the case with me.
9 :
Yes, I do too. But the reasons are established by ourselves, if we focus on what we have been doing lately. You are 19, and old enough to do whatever you want, but I would advice to listen to voices with more experiences like those of your family. If they are against your joining the peace corps, they might have some obvious reasons to reject the idea. But if you are of those who learn only from their mistakes, go for it. But if things turn out to be disastrous, I hope you will be big enough to blame only yourself and not an unhappy childhood.
10 :
As a mom my advise is to tell you to go follow your dream and your heart, as hard as it might be for your parents to let you go... it's not really their decision. Tell them to have faith in the values they've en stilled in you as you were growing up and also to trust in God that you are doing his will. As a parent it is bitter sweet for us knowing we'll have to let go and let you live your own life... "sad for us but an adventure for you". Just reassure them that they have done a great job as your parents and you know how to make wise decisions. However have you considered another avenue where you can be helpful, like the military where you would be in a group that has more rules and is more liabel to protect you as you work for them? I think the Peace Corps has had some bad publicity and might not be as safe a place for a young woman. Your leaving the nest is going to happen someday it's inevitable they will have to learn to adjust, they knew this day would come, do listen to what they're saying for advice reasons they could be speaking from experience, as a Parent we only want the best for our kids but on the other hand have faith in God if that is where you feel he is wanting you to go then he guided your path! Best of luck in what you do! Go out there and enjoy all that life has to offer and make them proud.
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