Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why do the rich want tax cuts

Why do the rich want tax cuts?
"70% cut to clean energy. A 25% cut in education. A 30% cut in transportation. Cuts in college Pell Grants that will grow to more than $1,000 per year. That’s what they’re proposing. These aren’t the kind of cuts you make when you’re trying to get rid of some waste or find extra savings in the budget. These aren’t the kind of cuts that Republicans and Democrats on the Fiscal Commission proposed. These are the kind of cuts that tell us we can’t afford the America we believe in. And they paint a vision of our future that’s deeply pessimistic. It’s a vision that says if our roads crumble and our bridges collapse, we can’t afford to fix them. If there are bright young Americans who have the drive and the will but not the money to go to college, we can’t afford to send them. Go to China and you’ll see businesses opening research labs and solar facilities. South Korean children are outpacing our kids in math and science. Brazil is investing billions in new infrastructure and can run half their cars not on high-priced gasoline, but biofuels. And yet, we are presented with a vision that says the United States of America – the greatest nation on Earth – can’t afford any of this. It’s a vision that says America can’t afford to keep the promise we’ve made to care for our seniors. It says that ten years from now, if you’re a 65 year old who’s eligible for Medicare, you should have to pay nearly $6,400 more than you would today. It says instead of guaranteed health care, you will get a voucher. And if that voucher isn’t worth enough to buy insurance, tough luck – you’re on your own. Put simply, it ends Medicare as we know it. This is a vision that says up to 50 million Americans have to lose their health insurance in order for us to reduce the deficit. And who are those 50 million Americans? Many are someone’s grandparents who wouldn’t be able afford nursing home care without Medicaid. Many are poor children. Some are middle-class families who have children with autism or Down’s syndrome. Some are kids with disabilities so severe that they require 24-hour care. These are the Americans we’d be telling to fend for themselves. Worst of all, this is a vision that says even though America can’t afford to invest in education or clean energy; even though we can’t afford to care for seniors and poor children, we can somehow afford more than $1 trillion in new tax breaks for the wealthy. Think about it. In the last decade, the average income of the bottom 90% of all working Americans actually declined. The top 1% saw their income rise by an average of more than a quarter of a million dollars each. And that’s who needs to pay less taxes? They want to give people like me a two hundred thousand dollar tax cut that’s paid for by asking thirty three seniors to each pay six thousand dollars more in health costs? That’s not right, and it’s not going to happen as long as I’m President." - Obama
Current Events - 7 Answers
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1 :
Sounds like you've drank some of the Kool Aid. Do you know that the U.S. Government borrows $58,000 per SECOND? We can't afford all those things you just listed because of all the crazy out-of-control spending of the past at least 10 years. No household could live that way. If this problem would have seriously been addressed years ago, we wouldn't need to cut as drastically. But if we don't do some major cutting, there won't be ANY Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid. There is a lot of waste in those areas that should be addressed. But everyone in the country will have to sacrifice something to bring us out of this disaster we are headed for. But, if Obama has his way, we will be turned over to the rest of the world, and just be part of the one-world government he is striving for.
2 :
So the rich want to be richer. Also they claim that they are the job creators. To much rant after the question even if it is from a speech by Obama. You sound like a Democrat, but so am I.
3 :
Government isn't entitled to anyone's money, especially when it wastes it so spectacularly.
4 :
Where in the Bill of Rights is Education a guarantee? Show me where the Founding Fathers said Social Security was a Right? I don't believe Thomas Jefferson ever spoke of healthcare mandates either.
5 :
Because they are all greedy. They have all the power when it come to their income and ours. I remember when employers large and small, paid and honest wage to ALL of there employees. Not just the board members.. These companies still made a honest profit. There has always been a gap between rich, poor and the middle class but nothing like today. This is the same for medical care. I agree with you, good luck on getting your question answered. Yours is not a popular view on this site.
6 :
I might be called rich by many standards, and am of that rarest of species that wishes taxes would be raised. There must be both severe cuts and raised taxes to achieve even nominal fiscal responsibility. I think that's the huge issue, people refusing to acknowledge that both are needed. If I heard yes, severe cuts are needed from both sides, then we could start to talk about what. I'm a big fan a renewable energy, but another person might be a fan of defense spending. But we first need to acknowlege the need to cut. Same with raising taxes. If the majority would acknowledge that taxes must be raised, then we could start talking about what and how. Unfortunately, the default (no pun intended) is that we do nothing, and increase debt endlessly until our eventual ruin.
7 :
I think that simplifying the tax code and getting rid of freeloading programs across the board from Trump to the guy panhandling out on the street corner would handle the situation as a whole.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Possible college majors for a future detective

Possible college majors for a future detective?
For my first year in college, its a great school. But its more of a medical school if anything. I want to join the nypd when I get my BA/BE/BS. And you can join with ANY major. However in case the police thing doesnt work out I want a degree I can fall back on. My current idea is to major in computer engineering. These are the offered majors. Adapted Aquatics, minor Africana Studies, B.A., minor American Studies, B.A., minor Anthropology, B.A., minor Applied Mathematics and Statistics, B.S., B.S./M.S., B.S./M.P.H., minor Art, Studio, B.A., minor Art History and Criticism, B.A., minor Asian and Asian American Studies, B.A., minor Astronomy/Planetary Sciences, B.S., minor Athletic Training, B.S. Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, B.S. Biochemistry, B.S., B.S./M.S. Bioengineering, minor Biology, B.S., minor, Secondary Teacher Education Biomaterials, minor Biomedical Engineering, B.E. Business Management, B.S., minor Chemical and Molecular Engineering, B.E. Chemistry, B.S., B.A., B.S./M.S., minor, Secondary Teacher Education Child and Family Studies, minor China Studies, minor Cinema and Cultural Studies, B.A., minor Classical Civilization, minor Clinical Laboratory Sciences, B.S. Coastal Environmental Studies, B.S., minor Community Service Learning, living learning center minor Comparative Literature, B.A., minor Computer Engineering, B.E., B.E./M.S., minor Computer Science, B.S., B.S./M.S., minor Dance, minor Digital Arts, minor Earth and Space Sciences, B.A., Secondary Teacher Education Economics, B.A. Ecosystems and Human Impact, B.A., minor Education and Teacher Certification, Secondary teacher education programs in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, English, French, German, Italian, Mathematics, Physics, Social Studies, Spanish, TESOL Electrical Engineering, B.E., B.E./M.S., minor Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Materials, minor Engineering Chemistry, B.S., B.S./M.S. (Chemistry or Materials Science) Engineering Science, B.E., B.E./M.S. English, B.A., minor, Secondary Teacher Education Environmental Design, Policy, and Planning, B.A., minor Environmental Engineering, minor Environmental Studies, B.A., living learning center minor European Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Dept. of, European Studies, B.A., minor French Language and Literature, B.A., minor, Secondary Teacher Education Geology, B.S., minor German Language and Literature, B.A., minor, Secondary Teacher Education Health and Wellness, living learning center minor Health Science, B.S. Hispanic Languages and Literature, minor History, B.A., B.A./M.A., minor, Secondary Teacher Education Humanities, B.A. Human Sexual and Gender Development, living learning center minor Information Systems, B.S., minor Interdisciplinary Arts, living learning center minor International Studies, living learning center minor Italian American Studies, minor Italian Studies, B.A., minor, Secondary Teacher Education Japanese Studies, minor Jazz Music, minor Journalism, B.A., minor Judaic Studies, minor Korean Studies, minor Latin American and Caribbean Studies, minor Leadership Development, living learning center minor Liberal Arts, B.A. Linguistics, B.A., minor, TESOL Manufacturing Engineering, minor Marine Sciences, B.S., minor Marine Vertebrate Biology, B.S. Materials Science, minor Mathematics, B.S., minor, Secondary Teacher Education Mechanical Engineering, B.E., B.E./M.S., minor Media Arts, living learning center minor Medieval Studies, minor Middle Eastern Studies, minor Multidisciplinary Studies, B.A. Music, B.A., minor Nanotechnology Studies, minor Nursing, B.S., B.S./M.S. Occupational Therapy, B.S./M.S. Optics, minor Pharmacology, B.S. Philosophy, B.A., minor Physical Metallurgy, minor Physics, B.S., B.S./M.S., minor, Secondary Teacher Education Political Science, B.A., B.A./M.A., minor Psychology, B.S., B.A. Religious Studies, B.A., minor Respiratory Care, B.S. Russian Studies, minor Science and Engineering, living learning center minor Social Work, B.S. Sociology, B.A. South Asian Studies, minor Spanish Language and Literature, B.A., minor, Secondary Teacher Education Sustainability Studies, B.A., minor Technical Leadership, living learning center minor Technological Systems Management, B.S., minor Theatre Arts, B.A., minor Women's Studies, B.A., minor Writing and Rhetoric, Program in,
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
Computer engineering is a very good choice.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How many believe that a voucher program will be better than Medicare

How many believe that a voucher program will be better than Medicare?
On 4/15/11, the Republican lead House of Representatives passed a bill that would do away with Medicare, cut education spending and raise taxes on the middle class. They propose a voucher program to replace Medicare.The vouchers would lose value over time and will not keep up with the increasing cost of health care. According to the CBO, the cost of health care for people 65 and over will be 40% higher. Seniors will lose approximately $6,000 per person in coverage annually. The bill would also eliminate Medicaid with helps the poor and pays for nursing home care for seniors. The House of Representatives, lead by the Republican Party, have attacked public pensions, public education, unions, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. As always, they are fighting for tax cuts for the richest people in the country. Average Americans are suffering at the hands of thugs who claim to be fiscally conservative. They had no problem adding to the national debt by borrowing 700 billion dollars from China to pay for the current tax cuts for the rich. http://www.tax.com/taxcom/taxblog.nsf/Permalink/CHAS-89LPZ9?OpenDocument http://thinkprogress.org/2011/04/15/gop-end-medicare-and-shutdown/ http://politicalcorrection.org/factcheck/201104180002 http://politicalcorrection.org/factcheck/201104180002 http://politicalcorrection.org/factcheck/201104180002 Shovel Ready - Do you mean that the elderly and the poor should have to suffer because of rich thugs like Republican Bill Frist whose family health care business was responsible for "massive criminal fraud"? How exactly are the poor and elderly commiting fraud? http://www.laweekly.com/2003-01-16/news/the-bad-doctor/ I don't know that what I said was a rant, but people need to know. cshs...seek mental health care soon.
Politics - 6 Answers
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1 :
We are as a nation spending too much on health care for the elderly. People have to accept that fact. Vouchers is a cruel way to cut spending, however.
2 :
It is much worse
3 :
So where exactly did you get the idea that taxes would go up on the middle class? Wow, propaganda at its finest.
4 :
Letting private insurers handle these programs is a way to get rid of the hundred of billions of dollars of fraud out of the system.
5 :
You're ranting, but you are correct about all of it... The Far-right nuts, AKA - the Tea Baggers, have taken over the political party. Their agenda is simple - make sure that ALL social programs are gone & make sure their puppet masters - Big Corporate People - are spared. Even some Reagan & even Nixon Republicans feel these guys have gone to far off the deep end. What does that tell you? These guys and the idiots who follow them are out to destroy this country for their own monetary gain. They have to be stopped...
6 :
Checkmate on your liberal talking points paste from factcheck.org ! It is evident that you haven`t a clue about Obama & Bill Ayers connection with that bias` website ! Factcheck.org and Barack Obama. On their website, it says the Annenberg Foundation strives to advance public well-being through improved communications. It’s basically a big, non-profit, community organization foundation. Is anyone aware that factcheck.org is run by The Annenberg Foundation? Why should you be concerned about this? In 1995, current Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Obama was appointed Board Chairman and President of the Annenberg Chicago Challenge, a branch of the Annenberg Foundation. Unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist, William Ayers co-chaired the Chicago Annenberg Collaborative, which set education policy for the Challenge. Obama was authorized to delegate to the Collaborative the development of collaborative projects and programs. Obama had to obtain assistance of the Collaborative in the development of requests for proposals. Obama had to seek advice from the Collaborative regarding the programmatic aspects of grant proposals. Obama and Ayers, sat together on the board’s Governance Committee, and were part of a group of four instructed to draft the bylaws that would govern Chicago Annenberg Collaborative. As Board Chair, Obama authorized the funding for Ayers’ educational projects, as well as projects of Ayers’ “radical” friends. Obama and Ayers raised money for ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). According to the Obama campaign, he and Ayers had a “tangential” relationship which seems to revolve around the Annenberg Foundation. In 2001, Obama and Ayers were still members of the Chicago Annenberg Foundation, Obama was Chairman while Ayers was touting his memoir, Fugitive Days, about his days spent “bombing” in the name of “change”. In 2001, The New York Times interviewed William Ayers. It also happened to be printed on September 11. In that interview, Ayers said of his terrorist acts, ‘‘I don’t regret setting bombs,’’ and ‘‘I feel we didn’t do enough.’‘ Factcheck.org, who is run by the foundation Obama and Ayers worked for together, dismisses all I just stated, though countless news sources, and media outlets say otherwise. This concerns me greatly. This is only one of the many disturbing associations Barack Obama has. Why are his supporters blindly disregarding all of these associations? In 1997, after Mr. Obama took office, the new state senator was asked what he was reading by The Chicago Tribune. He praised a book by Mr. Ayers, “A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court,” which Mr. Obama called “a searing and timely account of the juvenile court system.” Watch the short video below. This is a Bill O’Reilly episode, where he goes back and shows an old Connie Chung interview of William Ayers, and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn from 1998, 3 years after Barack started working with Ayers. Obama and Ayers continued to work together for many years after this interview aired. Am I a conspiracy theorist? No. There’s just way too many questionable associations for Barack. Even if only one or two of them turned out to be true, that’s too many. Every single story that’s been reported on Obama has somehow been dismissed by factcheck.org. Did you also know that On August 24, a prominent Democrat and attorney in Pennslyvania, Philip J. Berg, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court against Obama and the DNC. Berg’s suit claimed that Obama is not a natural born citizen of the United States and is therefore uneligible to run for President. On September 24, rather than show up with a copy of Obama’s birth certificate, attorneys for Obama and the DNC filed a motion to dismiss. On September 29, Judge Barclay Surrick denied the motion to dismiss and ordered three separate items to be delivered to the judge in three days: * A certified copy of Obama’s birth certificate * A certified copy of Obama’s Certification of Citizenship * A certified copy of Obama’s Oath of Allegiance Instead of them being delivered to the judge, the copied requested were released to factcheck.org. Why wold Obama’s attorneys file to dismiss anyway? This is just one of many questionable things the Obama campaign doesn’t have to worry about answering, because they have the protection of factcheck.org, and the mainstream media.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How old is too old to stand trial

How old is too old to stand trial?
Is it worth it to prosecute this woman? SYDNEY (AFP) – A 92-year-old has become the oldest woman committed to stand trial for murder in Australia, accused of bludgeoning and stabbing her wealthy 98-year-old husband to death, according to a report. Clara Tang, who allegedly killed Ching Yung Tang after 70 years of marriage in their Sydney apartment in March last year, has pleaded not guilty on the grounds of mental illness, the Sun-Herald said. The elderly woman appeared in a local court last week and was ordered to stand trial in the Supreme Court on a date to be fixed. Documents tendered by police reportedly detailed how the couple survived the Japanese invasion of China and Mao's Cultural Revolution before moving from Shanghai to Sydney 30 years ago. Tang, who suffers dementia, allegedly feared her husband was poisoning her food. The newspaper said that when arrested, Tang was almost totally soaked in blood. Her husband had been stabbed twice in the stomach and his head was bludgeoned. She was initially refused bail due to "the level of violence used and for the protection of the community", but police relented with Tang put under strict supervision in a nursing home ahead of her trial.
Senior Citizens - 14 Answers
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1 :
well i wouldn't want to be stabbed
2 :
too old to stand years old
3 :
An eye for an eye.
4 :
For violent crimes, never too old.
5 :
Hey Spike, Looks like you just cut and pasted an article into the details. But, referring to your initial question in the heading, I'd have to say your article more or less gives the answer. There really is not such a thing as being too old to stand trial. The accused can, however, avoid standing trial if their health is so poor it would be damaging to them. In that case, there would still be a "trial" but in absence of the accused who would more than likely be interviewed on video. -Jeeem-
6 :
How very sad. If the woman truly suffered with dementia, I hardly see the point. She may not be fully aware of what she did.
7 :
There is a 73-year old woman here in Oklahoma who is being prosecuted for selling her prescription drugs & having a firearm after a previous felony conviction. She is on oxygen and the article in NewsOk.com said she would likely die in prison if convicted. No telling about that woman who killed her husband, at her age she could very have dementia or if prescribed certain medications, could have become violent because of the side effects.
8 :
If she isn't too old to stab and bludgeon her husband to death...she's not too old to stand trial. The circumstances are unfortunate because it's obvious that she isn't mentally competent...but what are the courts supposed to do? They certainly can't just let it slide. I'd hate to be the presiding judge on this one.
9 :
Dementia should not be an excuse for a violent murder. She should be tried and convicted.
10 :
I'm sure she would be ruled as unable to stand trial, not because of her age, but because of her state of mind. Nobody is going to imprison a person with dementia. She'll be put in a nursing home.
11 :
again i dont wanna read all that i did see it on yahoo page this am when i first turned on the computer spike and i said to GOD why dont you type a 92 yr old woman is sitting in her rocking chair knitting and sipping on tea then thats what she would be doing .... i am no fool ...mr spike.. its the typing........ i studied newspaper journalism many years ago and im a very quick study.... answer JESUS HAVE MERCY ON US ALL... I hate this world....... GOD shoulda never created this world period.....dont bother trying to argue with me ....
12 :
She go to prison for 30 years!
13 :
There is no age limit.Was her husband too old to be murdered?
14 :
Having lived with an elderly father with dementia and psychotic breaks, I know what they are capable of. She should have been on meds that would have controlled this behaviour to begin with! However, hindsight is 20/20... I don't think the taxpayer's money should be wasted in bringing this woman to trial. She should, after full psychiatric testing, be committed to the psych ward of some high security nursing home and allowed to die in peace there.

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