I'm thinking about switching careers. I'm currently a property manager. any ideas?
I've been in property management for 9 years. I'm 25. It's the only job I have ever done. However, I hate it. I am going to nursing school at the moment, but need a good job in the mean time. I need to make at least $38,000 a year. I'm great with admin and stuff like that. Very organized. I just hate these country club homeowners. Telling people they can't have this or that on their lot is against everything I stand for and I'm starting to not care. Plus I hate when people call to bitch that "My neighbor planted some tree's 4 ft from my property line. I want them to move them!" and it turns out the trees were actually planted IN THE WOODS! jesus people, there are people starving in china! or "the stop sign on my street has a wooden post instead of the nice black aluminum. i want it changed" jesus christ. it's a sign! and help would be apreciated. I'm in the DC area BTW. VA to be exact. Thanks.
Other - Careers & Employment - 2 Answers
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1 :
Don't take just anything. Sounds like you have some really valuable skills, and I'm sure you can manage something that stresses you out less. Every job has its stresses, but it sounds like you need a certain level of engagement and challenge. Messengers and delivery men make good buck on their own terms and hours. You could also try owning rental property. Also, I would look into some medical business administration positions. You never know.
2 :
I feel for you. I too have been in property management for twelve years, providing oversight of large portfolios of residential, commercial, HOA and medical buildings and let me tell you there is no difference between the different types of tenants or homeowners. Amazingly they all find something to complain about, whether it be they dont like the type of toilet paper in the restrooms, to I made stew in the toilet and now you must fix it. Yes, I actually had a tenant who, used to make stew in her toilet. I haaaate this job with a every grain of passion and the trivial complaints of the tenants and ownership and their ability to take the smallest minutia and call it the explosion of the first atom bomb. . I am despretaly looking for alternatives, however my salary requirement is $80,000.00. I wish I could offer you some advice, however I too am having some difficulty switching my career. If I could turn back time, Real Estate would not be the direction I would have taken.
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