When will the government stop enabling the Amercian people and let them suffer the consequences?
When there's no other choice, I suppose. But think about it. Amercians are greedy spenders, etc. So, what happens when your family member keeps gambling? If you give them money, aren't you enabling them to keep gambling? If they are drinking, and you work to pay all of the bills, do all of the housework, take 100% care of the kids, aren't you letting them keep drinking? If your friend crashes with you and never works, and never searches for a job, aren't you allowing it to continue by taking care of them? It's time to pay for what we have done, self included. We could not afford all of this, the big houses, living without extended family (may een be a things of the past, soon), the I-Pods, hey, this is my boyfriend's computer but I haven't even bought one in a long time. The new car every couple of years, the designer clothes, the cheap things from China that made someone else's country rich. Getting lazy on manufacturing and being too poor of quality to even ague to buy American, even if we wanted to keep the moneyhome. Fighting a crazy and long war with little to show for it. What else have we done wrong? Looking to live to 125 on 35 medications when we can't even think straight or leave the nursing home to go see our families, who will ahve to get over losing us anyway. Paying a gazillion dollarsa to have kids, when teen moms (yes, I kept mine at 17, stupid, an infertile couple coudl have had a kid, btu I lvoe him and couldn't bear it now, still, how selfish? wasn't like that in the 50's!) Time to go into a long depression and pay for our mistakes.The government can no longer enable us. Time to pay what is long past due. I'm right in there with you, though I was hormonally whacked and laid off with 25 others, etc etc., I've done what most of us have done. Time to pay.
Civic Participation - 6 Answers
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1 :
Probably never, unfortunately.
2 :
Being that I live in the United States San Joe, Ca I couldn't agree with you more we need to take Responsibility for our actions
3 :
At about the time our original 13 states adopted their new constitution, in the year 1787, Alexander Tyler (a Scottish history professor at The University of Edinburgh -- pronounced "Edinborough" -- had this to say about "The Fall of The Athenian Republic" some 2,000 years prior: "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship." "The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years.- During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From Bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage."
4 :
Your question should ACTUALLY read: "When will the American people stop enabling the GOVERNMENT, and let THEM suffer the consequences!?" We have all been duped, lied to for years..it is NOT the people's fault..is is the corruption and greed in the White House, and in the world-wide banks and the Federal Reserve. Don't believe it? Check out the following links, and be aware of what is really going on behind the doors of the REAL EVIL-DOERS.. The American people deserve to know the TRUTH!!!
5 :
I never read your post, but I love the comment where the person was saying how we have to learn the "TRUTH" about our EEEvil governement. In my life experience (which is extensive) people who talk about how they know the truth and they're going to enlighten are generally crack pot's who smoked too much dope in their lives and are completely delusional.
6 :
I agree a little with you, Happy's response, Brown Lynn, Sue L, and the troph. The one response I'd like to go into greater detail on is Happys. So according to the premise that democracy will never be a permanent form of government. How is it that it has survived this long. The document you speak of seems to be a "treatise" that is to be "official doctrine" of the future. So the demise of this "inherently flawed democracy" is beyond repair and rather than fix it, a form of government that already partially exist, will replace it, and will stand the test of time. It is called The New Republic, in which the members are sworn to secrecy. They are to eradicate any forms of government contrary to their own. They are to replace the democracy with a "one party" rule. All others will be subjected to their will. Later, they will understand their "New Republic" as a monarchy. As for the New Republic, because they have forsaken the democratic process, and have been instucted from god, they will emerge as gods chosen people and establish a church as the one true god. There they will institute among themselves a religion that destroys all other religions and there they will have 1000 years of peace. BTW, the Roman Empire lasted about 5000 years before it became so oppressive that peoples from near and far joined together and defeated them.
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Saturday, April 28, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
What do you think of this bailout plan?? No bailout unless its a total approach
What do you think of this bailout plan?? No bailout unless its a total approach?
not one penny of bailout money to be doled out unless the following are done first. 1) Regulations for financial sector, mortgages, and wall street to prevent such a mess from happening again. 2) Resolve the illegal immigration crisis with legislation to seal borders and crack down heavily on employers who hire illegals and a system of verify who is paying into social security and paying taxes to find out who is an illegal or not. 3) Raise taxes for individuals making over $250,000 a year, and cut taxes for those making less 4) Eliminate tax loopholes that allow corporations to avoid paying their taxes and pay what the tax tables say they should pay. 5)Tax breaks for corportations based on how many american workers here at home they hire. The more american citizens they hire here at home the greater the breaks 6) Impose a tax on any goods made in china that effectively raises the prices by 20%. 7) Pass laws that would help reduce the high cost of health care for citizens, encourage students to go into medical field, encourage more clinics and hospitals, etc.. Grants for people who go to med school or nursing school etc.. We also need to do things to increase competition in the pharmaceutical industry and reduce prices. 8) An 21 st century energy policy that plans to make it so that in 15 years or less all cars on american roads will run fossil fuel free. 9) Yes, a bit more drilling for oil in short term in lands already appropriated for that. 10) Make it so that everyone pays into social security no matter what their income is ...but max out the benefits so that anyone making over $75,000 year will not get any more in benefits than that. 11) Start addressing our infrastructure including an electrical grid for the 21st century. 12) We need a firm plan to be out of Iraq and stop spending all that money over there. Its ridiculous to think that we can keep printing money to solve all these problems while ignoring that we are blowing 10 billion a month in Iraq alone. We need a major piece of legislation that forces our law makers to address all these major issues instead of simply a bailout that bails out firms that made bad investments. Then the last piece to be added should be a bailout as long as the regulations are there, reduced pay for executives from now on......no reason for any executive to be paid 100 million dollars in salary while their firms go bankrupt....thats crazy. there should be a law that ties part of the compensation on the firms profits. If the company is doing badly they should not be making all that money. There needs to be an independent agency like the RTC did for the Savings and loan debacle and there must be oversight by congress only. My point here folks is that part of the reason we in a mess economically is because our law makers and presidents have put on on many bad paths...its not just one bad path. The subprime crisis is just one of many things that are ailing our economy and harming ordinary americans. So this is an opportunity to really deal with all or most it...and really put us back on the right track. 13) Pass a mandatory balanced budget law...that allows only deficits where the govt sells bonds to the american people or american owned corporations. NO more of putting ourselves in debt to communist China.
Other - Politics & Government - 1 Answers
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1 :
While I agree with all of that, the problem is, while our partisan imbeciles fight it out, we go under. I say fix the immediate then move on. Furthermore, nothing you have mentioned isn't already being addressed.
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not one penny of bailout money to be doled out unless the following are done first. 1) Regulations for financial sector, mortgages, and wall street to prevent such a mess from happening again. 2) Resolve the illegal immigration crisis with legislation to seal borders and crack down heavily on employers who hire illegals and a system of verify who is paying into social security and paying taxes to find out who is an illegal or not. 3) Raise taxes for individuals making over $250,000 a year, and cut taxes for those making less 4) Eliminate tax loopholes that allow corporations to avoid paying their taxes and pay what the tax tables say they should pay. 5)Tax breaks for corportations based on how many american workers here at home they hire. The more american citizens they hire here at home the greater the breaks 6) Impose a tax on any goods made in china that effectively raises the prices by 20%. 7) Pass laws that would help reduce the high cost of health care for citizens, encourage students to go into medical field, encourage more clinics and hospitals, etc.. Grants for people who go to med school or nursing school etc.. We also need to do things to increase competition in the pharmaceutical industry and reduce prices. 8) An 21 st century energy policy that plans to make it so that in 15 years or less all cars on american roads will run fossil fuel free. 9) Yes, a bit more drilling for oil in short term in lands already appropriated for that. 10) Make it so that everyone pays into social security no matter what their income is ...but max out the benefits so that anyone making over $75,000 year will not get any more in benefits than that. 11) Start addressing our infrastructure including an electrical grid for the 21st century. 12) We need a firm plan to be out of Iraq and stop spending all that money over there. Its ridiculous to think that we can keep printing money to solve all these problems while ignoring that we are blowing 10 billion a month in Iraq alone. We need a major piece of legislation that forces our law makers to address all these major issues instead of simply a bailout that bails out firms that made bad investments. Then the last piece to be added should be a bailout as long as the regulations are there, reduced pay for executives from now on......no reason for any executive to be paid 100 million dollars in salary while their firms go bankrupt....thats crazy. there should be a law that ties part of the compensation on the firms profits. If the company is doing badly they should not be making all that money. There needs to be an independent agency like the RTC did for the Savings and loan debacle and there must be oversight by congress only. My point here folks is that part of the reason we in a mess economically is because our law makers and presidents have put on on many bad paths...its not just one bad path. The subprime crisis is just one of many things that are ailing our economy and harming ordinary americans. So this is an opportunity to really deal with all or most it...and really put us back on the right track. 13) Pass a mandatory balanced budget law...that allows only deficits where the govt sells bonds to the american people or american owned corporations. NO more of putting ourselves in debt to communist China.
Other - Politics & Government - 1 Answers
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1 :
While I agree with all of that, the problem is, while our partisan imbeciles fight it out, we go under. I say fix the immediate then move on. Furthermore, nothing you have mentioned isn't already being addressed.
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Saturday, April 7, 2012
Is it better to stay in one's home town around real Americans in the real world than a university
Is it better to stay in one's home town around real Americans in the real world than a university?
A lot of people come on this board and talk about how college is not the real world, how regular folk tend to stick to where real people, real Americans can be found, basically the towns in which they grew up, but here's my question, Who has more exposure to the real world, the former high school football hero who stays in his small town, marries the girl next door, socializes with the same crew he knew from high school, spends most of his time around those who are of the same race and religion as him and share his viewpoints or a guy who goes to a university makes friends with people from Japan, Nigeria, Mexico, China and India, meets straights, gays and lesbians; meets scholarship kids from poor families, kids from rich families who grew up in privilege, meets Young Republicans and Young Democrats, meets Protestants, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Catholics and Buddhists, meets people who study engineering, others who study French literature, others who study nursing and some who study economics. Who's having a more real-world experience? Um, I am back in graduate school taking a hiatus from the real world as my current financial situation allows me to do so and it is my right. I have lived in Ireland, France, Australia, South Korea and the United States, speak three languages and have spent a lot of time in the supposed "real world" of low-paying office jobs and other endeavors. I just find it astonishing how much rancor is displayed towards educational environments by so many posters here. Not all colleges are elitist. I am in a graduate program at a state university in an urban environment and many of my colleagues are married, have children are struggling to get by and achieve an education, plus many of them are older people taking some time off to further their education after having spent time in a more conventional career path. I found the office environment to be one where I was mostly around people of the same race, religious background, social background, etc.
Politics - 5 Answers
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1 :
I don't hear that. I hear the profs do not live in the real world. Not going out into the world as a young person does not help your personal growth. Just take your non technical lessons from your prof with the understanding that they are biased.
2 :
No both are "real" it is a CHOICE based on ones views and wants. My skill set and trade have allowed me to reside from the Chicago suburbs to central California and be sucessfull and compete in those areas. I CHOOSE western Michigan why? Because for me owning land and having privacy and a greater sense of freedom and independence is important. I would not be HAPPY living in a condo in the city surrounded by millions of humans because for the most part humans SUCK we are a very diverse and mean group of critters as evidenced by our history. Simple fact is smart folks live in all places so do dumb ones.
3 :
For somebody spouting out about education, you are easily caught in the facile lie that "a lot of people" actually say that. Yes, the fact is that college is not the real world - it is a world sheltered and secluded from the real world. Having been to college, I found that to be all too true. It is because people at university generally are not married, do not have families and are living off the fruits of their parents. They generally are not responsible for keeping a roof over the heads of their family, nor having to provide food and health care to their family, etc. These are important and necessary real world things that college students almost never have to worry about. Things that are vastly more "real world" than simply meeting people from different cultures and engaging in pseudo-intellectual sophistry with them. Perhaps college was a big experience for you, but it wasn't for me. I guess that since I'd already lived overseas for a number of years, and had met people from all over the US and from many other countries, that it wasn't that big a deal to meet them at university. Plus, I found that the real knowledge I gained about the world around me happened outside of college, where I pursued that knowledge on my own, seeking greater understanding of the world around me. I learned much more than any college prof could teach, and much of that was not just from books, but from older people who had experienced the world and who related their wisdom to me, which is something that one does not find in college. You have the brash arrogance of a college student who believes himself smarter and more knowledgeable than others, but without having had the humbling real life experience of finding out that you're not. You just might find out that the old guy who never went to college or traveled extensively has a better handle on the real world and on worldly wisdom than a stadium full of college students.
4 :
You know what? I agree with you. You're not showing arrogance, but the exact opposite of it. Those still under the protection of their well-known environments are the arrogant ones who think they know the world outside, but in truth is blissfully blind to all else other than his immediate surroundings. I always joked the human race will truly be united when aliens attack us, which actually true - we divide ourselves by distinction of culture and history, by colour of skin, race, beliefs and ideals. But for a truly harmoniously world one has to be tolerant to diverse societies, and to tolerate them one first needs to know about them, which makes the lot who has never left their home-towns pretty much blind to the world. it's human nature for one human to like another with the same beliefs, but it's another matter when one human despises another for holding different beliefs. The world is becoming increasingly multi-cultural, and those who attempt to ignore it will in the end fail.
5 :
<<Is it better to stay in one's home town around real Americans in the real world than a university?>> I think that all depends on the individual college student. <<A lot of <snip> real-world experience?>> Both. You don't have to look hard to find people like that on one's college campus or even one's home town. <<Um, I am <snip> social background, etc.>> And?
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A lot of people come on this board and talk about how college is not the real world, how regular folk tend to stick to where real people, real Americans can be found, basically the towns in which they grew up, but here's my question, Who has more exposure to the real world, the former high school football hero who stays in his small town, marries the girl next door, socializes with the same crew he knew from high school, spends most of his time around those who are of the same race and religion as him and share his viewpoints or a guy who goes to a university makes friends with people from Japan, Nigeria, Mexico, China and India, meets straights, gays and lesbians; meets scholarship kids from poor families, kids from rich families who grew up in privilege, meets Young Republicans and Young Democrats, meets Protestants, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Catholics and Buddhists, meets people who study engineering, others who study French literature, others who study nursing and some who study economics. Who's having a more real-world experience? Um, I am back in graduate school taking a hiatus from the real world as my current financial situation allows me to do so and it is my right. I have lived in Ireland, France, Australia, South Korea and the United States, speak three languages and have spent a lot of time in the supposed "real world" of low-paying office jobs and other endeavors. I just find it astonishing how much rancor is displayed towards educational environments by so many posters here. Not all colleges are elitist. I am in a graduate program at a state university in an urban environment and many of my colleagues are married, have children are struggling to get by and achieve an education, plus many of them are older people taking some time off to further their education after having spent time in a more conventional career path. I found the office environment to be one where I was mostly around people of the same race, religious background, social background, etc.
Politics - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't hear that. I hear the profs do not live in the real world. Not going out into the world as a young person does not help your personal growth. Just take your non technical lessons from your prof with the understanding that they are biased.
2 :
No both are "real" it is a CHOICE based on ones views and wants. My skill set and trade have allowed me to reside from the Chicago suburbs to central California and be sucessfull and compete in those areas. I CHOOSE western Michigan why? Because for me owning land and having privacy and a greater sense of freedom and independence is important. I would not be HAPPY living in a condo in the city surrounded by millions of humans because for the most part humans SUCK we are a very diverse and mean group of critters as evidenced by our history. Simple fact is smart folks live in all places so do dumb ones.
3 :
For somebody spouting out about education, you are easily caught in the facile lie that "a lot of people" actually say that. Yes, the fact is that college is not the real world - it is a world sheltered and secluded from the real world. Having been to college, I found that to be all too true. It is because people at university generally are not married, do not have families and are living off the fruits of their parents. They generally are not responsible for keeping a roof over the heads of their family, nor having to provide food and health care to their family, etc. These are important and necessary real world things that college students almost never have to worry about. Things that are vastly more "real world" than simply meeting people from different cultures and engaging in pseudo-intellectual sophistry with them. Perhaps college was a big experience for you, but it wasn't for me. I guess that since I'd already lived overseas for a number of years, and had met people from all over the US and from many other countries, that it wasn't that big a deal to meet them at university. Plus, I found that the real knowledge I gained about the world around me happened outside of college, where I pursued that knowledge on my own, seeking greater understanding of the world around me. I learned much more than any college prof could teach, and much of that was not just from books, but from older people who had experienced the world and who related their wisdom to me, which is something that one does not find in college. You have the brash arrogance of a college student who believes himself smarter and more knowledgeable than others, but without having had the humbling real life experience of finding out that you're not. You just might find out that the old guy who never went to college or traveled extensively has a better handle on the real world and on worldly wisdom than a stadium full of college students.
4 :
You know what? I agree with you. You're not showing arrogance, but the exact opposite of it. Those still under the protection of their well-known environments are the arrogant ones who think they know the world outside, but in truth is blissfully blind to all else other than his immediate surroundings. I always joked the human race will truly be united when aliens attack us, which actually true - we divide ourselves by distinction of culture and history, by colour of skin, race, beliefs and ideals. But for a truly harmoniously world one has to be tolerant to diverse societies, and to tolerate them one first needs to know about them, which makes the lot who has never left their home-towns pretty much blind to the world. it's human nature for one human to like another with the same beliefs, but it's another matter when one human despises another for holding different beliefs. The world is becoming increasingly multi-cultural, and those who attempt to ignore it will in the end fail.
5 :
<<Is it better to stay in one's home town around real Americans in the real world than a university?>> I think that all depends on the individual college student. <<A lot of <snip> real-world experience?>> Both. You don't have to look hard to find people like that on one's college campus or even one's home town. <<Um, I am <snip> social background, etc.>> And?
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Sunday, April 1, 2012
Makes you think. Throw me a star if you like them
Makes you think. Throw me a star if you like them?
When does it stop being partly cloudy and start being partly sunny? At what point in man's evolution did he start wiping his ***? Why do they call him Donkey Kong if he is not a donkey? Why do they say a football team is the 'world champion' when they don't play anybody outside the US? If you really could dig a hole to China, and you did, and you fell in, would you stop in the middle because of gravity? If a bee is allergic to pollen would it get the hives? Do all-boys schools have girls bathrooms? Conversely, do all-girls schools have boys bathrooms? Why does caregiver and caretaker mean the same thing? If a guy that was about to die in the electric chair had a heart attack should they save him? If a nursing mother had her nipples pierced would the milk come out of all three holes? How do you handcuff a one-armed man? What happens if a queen gives birth to a pair of siamese twins? Who gets to be king? Why do people say "heads up" when you should duck? Why is it OK for dudes to slap other dudes' asses in football, but not in any other situation? When sign makers go on strike, is anything written on their signs? Why do we press the start button to turn off the computer? How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
Jokes & Riddles - 7 Answers
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1 :
Why do they call him Donkey Kong if he is not a donkey? cause there was a translation error. it was originally created by the japanese Why do they say a football team is the 'world champion' when they don't play anybody outside the US? cause nobody outside the us plays football lol I like. *4u
2 :
it dus make u think cz im stil thinkin lol xxx
3 :
good stuff, good stuff...hancuff a one armed man, that was funny
4 :
the cop will cuff the one armed man to himself
5 :
i am really left thinking for an answer 'If a guy that was about to die in the electric chair had a heart attack should they save him?' What do u say?
6 :
haha that was funnny
7 :
the sun is always whole, so it can't be 'partially sunny' lol, good one king kong! lol i don't know i guess because people can still come from other countries to play you would be burned by molten lava before you could do that. bees cant be allergic to pollen yes, there are still teachers there that can be the opposite sex. idk no no cuff his ankles they would probably die heads up means to look out lol idk they just, don't show up. good one xD idk
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When does it stop being partly cloudy and start being partly sunny? At what point in man's evolution did he start wiping his ***? Why do they call him Donkey Kong if he is not a donkey? Why do they say a football team is the 'world champion' when they don't play anybody outside the US? If you really could dig a hole to China, and you did, and you fell in, would you stop in the middle because of gravity? If a bee is allergic to pollen would it get the hives? Do all-boys schools have girls bathrooms? Conversely, do all-girls schools have boys bathrooms? Why does caregiver and caretaker mean the same thing? If a guy that was about to die in the electric chair had a heart attack should they save him? If a nursing mother had her nipples pierced would the milk come out of all three holes? How do you handcuff a one-armed man? What happens if a queen gives birth to a pair of siamese twins? Who gets to be king? Why do people say "heads up" when you should duck? Why is it OK for dudes to slap other dudes' asses in football, but not in any other situation? When sign makers go on strike, is anything written on their signs? Why do we press the start button to turn off the computer? How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
Jokes & Riddles - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Why do they call him Donkey Kong if he is not a donkey? cause there was a translation error. it was originally created by the japanese Why do they say a football team is the 'world champion' when they don't play anybody outside the US? cause nobody outside the us plays football lol I like. *4u
2 :
it dus make u think cz im stil thinkin lol xxx
3 :
good stuff, good stuff...hancuff a one armed man, that was funny
4 :
the cop will cuff the one armed man to himself
5 :
i am really left thinking for an answer 'If a guy that was about to die in the electric chair had a heart attack should they save him?' What do u say?
6 :
haha that was funnny
7 :
the sun is always whole, so it can't be 'partially sunny' lol, good one king kong! lol i don't know i guess because people can still come from other countries to play you would be burned by molten lava before you could do that. bees cant be allergic to pollen yes, there are still teachers there that can be the opposite sex. idk no no cuff his ankles they would probably die heads up means to look out lol idk they just, don't show up. good one xD idk
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