Friday, October 28, 2011

Which of these families deserves government mortgage help

Which of these families deserves government mortgage help?
Please tell me which of the following families deserves government mortgage help: A. single mother with three kids. working, never married, child support erratic at best. bought a house in 2006 with a 5/1 ARM subprime loan. can't afford payments now that the introductory low interest rate is ending. B. married couple with two kids. both were working in 2005 when they bought a house using an alt-a loan. she lost her job in 2007 and her new one pays less. his self-employment business is slowing as his customers feel pinched and do without his service due to the "recession". two months behind on payments with reset to higher rate in November. C. married couple without children. Lost their house to foreclosure in 2007 after he was disabled in a work accident. Disability wasn't enough to continue making the payments after his medical costs soared. D. 83 year old widow. Owns her house free and clear, but can't afford the property taxes and insurance because houses in her neighborhood tripled in past ten years due to easy money loans and thus many buyers. Now can't sell as the market has crashed. Six months past due on property taxes. E. couple with two college age children who re-fi'd their house in 2006 to pay their childrens' tuition. Closed a 401k to make tuition payments in 2007 and borrowed from relatives to pay again this fall. House is 45 days past due but older child doesn't graduate until December 2010. F. Retired couple whose only regular income is small pension plus social security. Their retirement assets in stock market have taken a beating this year. Borrowed in 2004 against their house when he had a heart attack that caused his early retirement [which crippled his pension]. Rising costs of gas and food have made them 30 days past due and they have no way to catch up without further damaging their retirement assets. G. Manager and stay at home wife with two children in public school. He lost his job two years ago -- it was outsourced to China. Now works at Home Depot, but the money isn't 1/3rd of what he used to make. Still looking for that managerial job, which costs hundreds a month in extra costs. they've gotten their foreclosure notice and are thinking about filing bankruptcy to buy time. H. Market trader and retired wife who lost $125,000 when his short sales were arbitrarily ended by SEC order in this financial crisis. Hasn't made trading profit since last October. Now two months late and getting daily phone calls from mortgage servicing company asking for money he can't pay if he is ever to recover his losses in the markets. I. Retired couple who saved and planned out their retirement for last 25 years. Retired in 2007 owing nothing, but living off 401k payouts and social security. their assets are down 25% so far in this recession and they'll have to cut costs next year, which means short selling the house into increasingly bad market and paying bank off on the loss over next who knows how many years [if ever]. J. Sixty something widow whose assets were wiped out by husband's death via Alzheimer Disease and private nursing home for 4 years. Has only Social Security now as all their retirement assets except the house went to pay the nursing home. Took a mortgage in 2005 to pay off the husband's medical bills and burial. *** please tell me which, if any, of these families deserve government help in staying in their home or recovering their home. This question has no political point to make and is solely to gather information regarding what the Y!A public thinks America's public policy should be. While all of these situations are real to some family, I carefully crafted each of them to show a case where the people involved arguably are losing or lost their home because some other part of our economic system had a breakdown. In theory, none of these deserve government mortgage help, imo. Some of them needed either less or more government in some other part of their lives and because of that issue, were financially savaged to the point of losing their home. Afaic, the mortgage industry should NOT bear the brunt of other failures in America's systems -- doing so only distorts the economy even further. Did the mortgage industry have its own failures? YES. Mostly, they had a failure of spine. They didn't stand up to Congress and HUD in the 1990s when both needed to be told that their rules were requiring the banks to write bad loans that shouldn't have ever been made. Big government needed to be told "NO".
Government - 4 Answers
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1 :
None of the above. Sorry but I don't want to work to pay for someone else's home. Most times these people bought a house they couldn't afford and thought they would just refi it later or make a ton when they sold it. Some have bought 2 and 3 homes so they could make two and three times more money.
2 :
None. Government isn't supposed to provide cradle to grave. Hotsauce. Dont be scared we have made it through harder times. We will be okay. It will be a little harder for a while.
3 :
The sick. The old. The single parents. That's it. Don't we all know someone or several people who would fit into any one of these categories. I AM SCARED. This country is headed for some tough times and there is nothing we can do but watch it happen.
4 :
Spare me your bleeding heart they should all get in a pit and fight and throw poo at each other like monkeys, that's if I am only being completely honest to your obvious question. I give your question the seriousness it deserves.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Would this be considered distruction of property? Heart-wrenching story. :\

Would this be considered distruction of property? Heart-wrenching story. :\?
My boyfriends mom was living with her boyfriend, and he's very controling and abusive. Well my boyfriends dad had a brain anurism (spelling) and now he's in a nursing home. my boyfriends mom got a call from the nursing home saying that he wasn't doing well, so she went up there. his moms boyfriend cut's hair and he had a schedule for her, she didn't show up but she texted him saying she was going to be late, he got mad so she called his mom to tell her she was on her way home. My boyfriends mom was suppose to come over for wedding planning stuff but she never showed up and when we called her, her phone was off. So we called her boyfriend, and he texted us and said "i can't make it" acting like he was her. Two days later we get a call from the hospital saying she was there. We drove up there and she was all bruised up, the doctor diagnosed her with Lacerations, and concussion, and contusions. Later she told us he wouldn't let her leave, he took her phone, and her car keys and kept her in the house for two days. That night the cops escorted us to the house so we could get all his stuff and get him arrested. But he wasn't there. We got all her stuff and realized he had broken all her deceased mother's china from all over the world, tore her clothes to shreads, cut the cords off of everything, and broke what was left. So she in return did the same thing to him, now he's sueing her for distruction of property even though she lived there?
Current Events - 1 Answers
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how is it this man is not in jail for unlawful restraint?if what you say here is true someone really dropped the ball and you need to put pressure on the district attorney to do the right thing

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Friday, October 7, 2011

What scares you so much about Socialism

What scares you so much about Socialism?
The second largest exporter in the world, Germany manages to give it's worker a minimum wage of $14.00 an hour, 6 weeks of paid vacation and free health care. And they are beating us at selling things to the Chinese. European social democracies -- particularly Germany -- have some lessons and models that might make life a lot more livable. Germans have six weeks of federally mandated vacation, free university tuition, and nursing care. But you've heard the arguments for years about how those wussy Europeans can't compete in a global economy. You've heard that so many times, you might believe it. But like so many things, the media repeats endlessly, it's just not true. According to Geoghegan, "Since 2003, it's not China but Germany, that colossus of European socialism, that has either led the world in export sales or at least been tied for first. Even as we in the United States fall more deeply into the clutches of our foreign creditors -- China foremost among them -- Germany has somehow managed to create a high-wage, unionized economy without shipping all its jobs abroad or creating a massive trade deficit, or any trade deficit at all. And even as the Germans outsell the United States, they manage to take six weeks of vacation every year. They're beating us with one hand tied behind their back." Whatever it's called, some people have it a lot better than we do Obaama:SOCIALIST COUNTRIES ARE BEATING THE US ON THE ECONOMY!!!! And getting a better quality of life as they do it and their unemployment isn't any higher than ours Obaama:SOCIALIST COUNTRIES ARE BEATING THE US ON THE ECONOMY!!!! And getting a better quality of life as they do it and their unemployment isn't any higher than ours
Politics - 22 Answers
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1 :
That dim-wits worry about it.
2 :
Two things the social and the ism parts. Tea Party On America !!!
3 :
So I'm curious: Is Europe socialist or not? If it is, then why do liberals attack us for smearing Democrats as socialist when they want to implement economic policies common to Europe. "If you were educated, you would know America has plenty of socialism." Yep... Sure does. That's the problem. Of course...if YOU were educated, you would know that the only reason Germany thrived the way it did was from economic deregulation. Are you familiar with the term "Wirtschaftswunder?" Didn't think so.
4 :
And they have a high unemployment rate. A group in their country who they don't believe in. Who they don't care to educate or get them to become self-sufficient. I have higher expectations for my fellow Americans in the land of the free. But that's just me. ------------------------------- Their unemployment is not any higher than Because we are becoming content with allowing people to live off the government. Liberals think compassion = voting for Democrats so they don't have to donate their own time and money. They can claim to be righteous without lifting a finger. Don't worry, we're on our way. You'll get your wish. -------------------------------- "From 1991 until 2010, Germany's Unemployment Rate averaged 9.73 percent reaching an historical high of 12.10 percent in March of 2005 and a record low of 7.30 percent in December of 1991" AVERAGED 9.73. If you're content with people living off unemployment for their life, that's fine. Not me. I have higher hopes for those people.
5 :
You need to start your German immigration process. You will be a much happier person if you leave the USA.
6 :
oppression, poverty, and mass muder
7 :
This is what scares me. America was not meant to have Socialism - if you like the so-called Socialists Utopia so much then why don't you move there and enjoy?
8 :
Nothing. Lack of Socialism scares me.
9 :
Almost all of our national pride drives from our social endeavors. NASA and our Military are two good examples
10 :
In most of the socialist European nations I've visited, I've notice the standard of living is not what I am comfortable with. The economies are mostly as vital as a dead mackeral. I get seven weeks of vacation a year, and I have more money than most middle class Europeans. I prefer America over Europe. America is a more interesting, and there is more opportunity.
11 :
What will Germans do when the US spends less of its GDP defending Germany than the Germans do? It's easy to spend tax money on that sort of thing when you aren't even sovereign; when you continue existing ONLY because some OTHER country wills it.
12 :
To the third comment: Europe blends Free Market fundamentals with socialist regulations. Socialism prevents corruption and stabilizes the economy. It also protects consumers and workers. America also blends Free Market fundamentals with Socialist regulations. Yet in recent years, the socialist stabilizers on our economy were deregulated which allowed our economy to nearly collapse. If you were educated, you would know America has plenty of socialism. And only when we were deregulated did our economy go to the sh*tter.
13 :
It's a common myth that European countries such as Denmark and Germany are socialist. Germany is the 23rd most capitalist nation in the world. A good example of a European social democracy would be Greece.
14 :
Nothing socialism is just an idea and the reason for the fears over socialism goes back to post ww1 and pre cold war. People made up libel and slander about socialism because businesses thought it was a bad idea. Also, the government adds for ww2 portrayed socialism as bad and most of that fear of nothing still resides in people because they do not know alot about it.
15 :
I've lived there. Most Americans would be stunned at the amount of regulation and taxation. Nice place to visit but I'll stay right here and vote for less not more government.
16 :
If Germany is so great go live there
17 :
If you love it go there. Socialism is the intermediate step to communism. It may look good but sooner or later the money runs out. and then you have riots in the street like in Greece and France. We have a recession because millions of people bought a house that they just could not afford betting that the price would go up and they could make a quick dollar. Why the greed of the people that believe that they are entitled to what ever they want just because they want it. They don't want it enough to actually EARN it they just want it NOW. The nature of the socialism beast is that the elite rule and have the money the workers ,....... they get what the elite say they can have. But sooner or later the money runs out, just like in the USSR and that doesn't exists any more. I lived in Germany and i much prefer it here in the US.
18 :
What country was the greatest producer in world history? America. Why? Capitalism. Obama is taking us down the road to Marxism which is a form of socialism only more so. We are losing our greatness as we speak. Socialism in all its names does not share the wealth, it shares the misery. I gather from your comments you prefer a nanny State where you can go on many, many holidays and paid for by the government. This would indicate a lack of a work ethic. I don't suppose you are in any way spiritual, but even the scripture says in Psalms 128:2, "for thou shalt eat the labor of thine hands"...i.e., no 'workey', no eat.
19 :
Nothing in particular. Two things make me cautious about it. First, I do not believe it maximizes the total amount of freedom in the world. Second, I don't trust any large group of people, as I have never seen any large group that I could not turn into a lynch mob with very little effort. Unfortunately, the one most likely to get lynched is me.
20 :
In fact you are wrong:our pay bills and bosses are so charged especially for health insurance for a long time ;we have had to face the" décentralisation "first China hired some foremen from France and copy our stuff but at end all the factory move to China and now they understand it's not so easy to work with this poeple. Our machines and tools are quite all news in factories and small companies Germany especially produce good machines and Ipso facto the production per hour is better than in the States where I have seen old tools lol the pumps to drain oil in the South lool like during 1900's. Sometimes you are so money hungry especially the ones who belong shares that the manager worry and if he try to give 10% profit per share he has to neglect the tools and investements. This ammount 10% was one of the cause for crisis. I would merit a good job as consultant in the States.I shall not fight for the paybill but want to preserve my health insurance...... I never voted socialist for the simple reason the veritable socialism is the death of humans.
21 :
Socialism requires a HARD court. Our courts easily order without the slightest complaint from our populations, millions to their deaths. THAT is the definition of a soft court. WE HAVE PUNKY WOOD, not IRON or even IRONWOOD, but ROTTEN CORK COURTS. Yes, that best describes legal traditions in the USA. It collapses almost in each and every case to the wills of ANY influence. And our police cannot generally be thought of as reliable in protecting their OWN, much less the boss when he gets in "over his head". Before WE DARE give that measure of power to our courts consider my life a cautionary tale: I was a game warden's deputy. I got shot. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DID IT. The local courts declared me insane. No compensation was offered. No records were kept THAT I CAN ACCESS. THEY can sell my ID at will, and COMPENSATE whomever THEY sell that ID too. There is evidence they have. Scars I had from those "good old days" were surgically removed in a PARK, without proper medical personnel or equipment. THE US ARMY KNOWS THIS. When I got back from Iraq, and had a pension set up, THERE WAS "an arranged accident", I lost an arm "due to infection". THE ARMY KNOWS THIS. THEN there was another "arranged accident", after this I had memory loss, and a left arm. Does the US Army know this? I doubt it. I met a guy recently on the same type of vehicle I used to drive (all very very rare for a guy with one arm to be driving a scooter, but I used to do this ~ it was the same type and model and color with even the same kind of tape on it, holding the broken plastic together). HE LOOKED JUST LIKE ME, including the missing arm. I'd be willing to bet allot of real money (if I had it), that the US ARMY is paying that fellow my pension and granting him my rights otherwise. Junkies don't care if they are missing an arm. Many drug dealers are junkies. We are currently in a war on drugs. I was in drug interdiction. It kinda looks like my missing pension was "put to good use" from the point of view of a junky punky wooden head judge. Furthermore, I'd be willing to bet allot of good money, if I still had it, that the original infection did not result in the loss of my arm, but rather "politics" did. I'd say given the evidence it's more than likely the arm was "saved" for other, more organized criminally politically correct, from Al Qa`ida's limited point of view, "propaganda" uses. There was a guy I shot in the hand when a police officer in New York. He had been shooting cops as a "LARK". I was either he and his partner's 8th or tenth policeman / policewoman / victim. BUT I shot back, even with five bullet wounds I shot back. I met this guy in the park. He had a missing arm. It was his left arm. He commented about it, as if I should know him, and as if I should well know what happened to his arm. THIS junkie said he didn't miss it much, as it always hurt. He had a curly red headed bombshell with him, his reward wasn't just in dope, evidently. Much later I recalled where I'd seen him. People look so much different with their war face on while shooting you with a 9 mm Beretta... The point is: we don't control who is who in the USA, a weak, punk cork wood court does. The basic difference between you and a crazy guy in a lock up is that court's opinion of who you are. But other countries have far greater influence on said court than YOU DO, or I DO, or THE TOYS FOR TOTS MARINES DO. They are more fearful of real threats from Communist China's 1 trillion in US than your petty concerns over which communist block factory you will support when you buy that towel set at the big box store... which pays for Communist China's dominance of OUR court room. Ultimately these people likely took my arm, radiated it, replaced it's bone marrow with marrow from a drug dealer who lost his arm, let it sit in a "pietry dish" (sic) as his blood was pumped through it until genetic testing confirmed that his genes were fully dominant in that arm and were not being rejected, and then that arm was likely gifted the enemy. But they took HIS arm and grafted it onto MY BODY without radiating it, but rather ME. Hoping to cause cancer. Why? Cause they can use the video as a recruitment tool for their spy ring. And our courts are punky wood corkers. But they rule. And I'm thus nuts to have worked for "them".
22 :
The fact that Hitler was a (National) Socialist.

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Which major should I pick- International Studies or Registered Nursing

Which major should I pick- International Studies or Registered Nursing?
I've been interested in east Asia for years. It started in 8th grade and progressed over the years into the music, culture, movies, fashion, etc of Japan, China, and South Korea. I am now 18 going on 19 so it's been a while and it isn't just a fleeting thing. Since I was a child I've wanted to be a nurse. Even now I enjoy cleaning/dressing wounds. I wonder if I want to major in International Studies with a minor in Asian Studies. I want to teach English in Asia for a 1+ years after I get my Bachelor's (the degree can be any subject). Then I'd like to maybe get my Master's and teach Asian history/culture at the uni level here in America. If I became a RN, would that 1+ years away affect my remembrance/skills as a nurse? Would I have to do self-study during that time? I'd like to travel, how is vacation time for RNs? What is the market for a prof. of Asian studies here? Does it depend on where you live? Also, what other careers would a Intl. Studies major be good for?
Teaching - 1 Answers
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1 :
I have been a RN for 4 years now, and i have been looking into a job as a traveling RN. They are really needed in a lot of hospitals, and the pay is amazing. You would be silly to go into international studies instead of an RN. because RN's make way more money than you would ever make. You also get a lot of amazing befits if you are a well liked nurse. our doctors are rich, and they gave all of the nurses wonderful gifts (massages by professionals, and a 200$ raise) The job is awarding in the long run.

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