Saturday, January 28, 2012

I need serious marital advice quick. I have nobody I can tell without it opening a huge can of worms

I need serious marital advice quick. I have nobody I can tell without it opening a huge can of worms?
My instinct is to run home to mom but I didn't tell her what happened because I know she will freak out and insist me and my toddler come to her house. I have been visiting my mom a hundred miles away for 4 days with my son and I have a husband who I have been married to for 11 years. We have one 2 year old. My son is my world. I am a stay at home mom and go to nursing school 3 days a week, other than that I am at home. I am sorry this is long but this seems like a place I can ask. My husband has too many friends. They come and go as they please throughout my home, I feed at least one of them a night, and currently one is staying in our guest room and my husband just told me that the law is looking for him and he has nowhere to go, so my husband feeling sorry for him has let him stay the past two months. I really don't have a problem with him and the law is looking for him apparently for having a gun and he is a felon from stealing a car when he was 20 back in 1982 and felons can't have guns. That is not even the problem although I told my husband he had to go because I am not comfortable having a wanted freaking fugitive in my home. While I was gone my husband let a few people stay over. Now keep in mind we have been married over a decade. I know my husband drinks and occasionally smokes weed. I personally have never done anything stronger than tylenol and have never actually seen him smoke it because I do not approve of it and it is a sore subject with us. He is open about it so he doesn't feel the need to lie. Tonight when I came home the house was a total disaster. I was cleaning stuff up and we have a tv stand in our living area and my son plays in it by putting his toys in there and such and he opened it and grabbed one of my priceless china plates my grandma gave me and it had white powder on it. I was stunned as to why it was there or what it could be until I saw it shining and I knew it couldn't be good. I tasted it and it tasted like battery acid or something. My mind went immediately to cocaine. The guy who lives with us was outside and I called him in, since my husband hadn't got home yet and asked him what it was and he said "hon, all I can tell you is that it is no good. I promise it isn't mine, but I am not lying to you that it aint good" I believe it wasn't his, I could tell by the look on his face. My problem is that my kid had access to freaking hard core drugs. I have never been so sick in my life. I met my husband on the road with another of his friends and told him I was moving out and couldn't live like this anymore. I mean you don't know how low you can feel until you see your two year old holding a plate with cocaine on it. I am so done. I love my husband dearly, but I feel he is not doing his job protecting us. He let this happen and I am lost. What should I do?
Parenting - 6 Answers
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1 :
Move out and call the police. Tell them about the plate and the powder. You know, that was really stupid tasting the white powder. They only do that in movies, the police would never taste something like that to identify it. But if it were cocaine it would have made your tongue numb. It could be meth, and if they were making it in your home it could be dangerous to live there now. The manufacturing process poisons the place where it's being made. The police should be able to bring some instruments to test the place, and see if they were making it there.
2 :
Go with your gut and leave him - at least until he can prove he's dropped the partying and boozin' with the boys. I'd be more worried that what you found is crystal meth - it's a LOT worse than cocaine - worse on your body and harder to stop doing if he's addicted to it. I know - we've lost 2 family members to that sh*t. You need to get your son out of there and give your husband a wake-up call. EDIT: I wanted to add that you SHOULD go to your moms. So what if she freaks out - this isn't anything to mess around with.
3 :
I definitely say take your son AWAY from that situation. Then maybe you can work things through with your husband if you want to, but at least meanwhile you and your baby will be out of harm's way.
4 :
I think your absolutely doing the right thing by leaving. It sounds like you and your husband need to set down some Serious ground rules. And you need to tell him those rules will be set and in place if he wants you or your son back into his life. First of all I would tell him that you found the cocaine on the plate and ask him point blank if it was his. Admission or no admission tell him the first thing he has to do to get his family back is stop doing any and all drugs, (including weed) you are his wife and if your not comfortable with it then he needs to respect you and your wishes. I really dont know what else to tell you except that your head is in the right direction by thinking of your child first, just imagine what would have happened had your child ingested that. Im sure you'll do right by your son. Good luck.
5 :
Don't ask how I know but cocaine wouldn't taste like battery acid. In it's pure form it won't taste like anything and after a while your mouth would have gone numb. Normally it's cut with sweetener so it would have tasted sweet if anything. Meth would be more crystaline than a powder but it also wouldn't taste like battery acid. There are no drugs out there that taste like battery acid. Maybe you should talk to your husband about what's going on rather than jumping to conclusions and talking to someone else.
6 :
Take your kid and move back to your Mom's house, then call a divorce lawyer. The situation with your sh!thead husband is not going to improve. He is a loser and a stoner. Move on with your life, if not for your own sake, then for the safety of your child.

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

I may be sued by my previous landlord. I am scared. Please help

I may be sued by my previous landlord. I am scared. Please help!?
I lived in the house for over five years. The last year I was there, the landlord (who is around 80 years old) fell and was put in a nursing home. Her nieces took over. They claimed I owed 3 months rent and were continuously giving me receipts that were misdated. The roof has been leaking, and windows are falling out (the house is very old). I fell through the floor (my foot/leg anyway), the bathroom/bedroom was solid mold, roaches, termites the works. I called the lady every two weeks for about six months about the leaky roof which has caused severe water damage. She said she was too old to put up the money for it. So I called the niece. Nothing got fixed. Water destroyed my upstairs bed, nightstand, tv, and half the clothes in my closet. We also had to buy an air conditioner and a gas heater because the ones in there stopped working. Finally I told her I was not paying until she fixed the roof. The landlord left a note under the door asking us to leave the property due to unpaid rent, a sum of $600. We were already staying with family due to the condition of the house. So end of July, we moved out and told her we would be completely done by August 15th. When I came back to finish packing the next week, the neighbor came by with the niece and told me to leave, it was no longer my property, they would have me put in jail, even though I still had 9 days left. They called my workplace six or seven times a day, told the secretary my dog was dying, car broken into, etc to get me to the phone, then when i did answer, they threatened to call the newspaper for fraud because I refused to pay, to call animal control, even DHR. they would not answer my calls to go back to the house or meet me with my stuff. so Its been almost four months, I finally caught the niece in town. She said that right after that day, someone broke in and stole all of my stuff, and thats what I get for not paying rent. My china, dishes, computer, dishwasher, rocker, tv, toddler's bed, heaters (2), air conditioner, organ, keyboards and some of my daughters things were still there. They are claiming I broke windows in the property, intentionally left the water running to damage the floors, and left the property a mess. We did leave in a mess, boxes and bags everywhere, but it was agreed we would have two weeks left to get our stuff. We were going to go back and finish packing, clean, etc. Not to mention all of our boxed food that was left there for three months. I imagine lots of little critters had a good ole time. she said she would meet me there finally, so i could clean up. when i got there, there were two guys waiting and she said i could not enter the property, but i plainly see my stuff in there still. it was a complete waste of my time. she thought it was hilarious. asked if i was making good money and said not for long. i am scared. and completely stupid when it comes to the law or having to speak in front of people. we had no lease or anything. the house is in bad shape, but i didnt damage it. i painted it, put up new fixtures, i loved it until it became unlivable. what do i do? what should i be prepared for? i am sorry this was long, i really needed to vent. i haven't been able to sleep since it happened. thanks for all of your help!
Renting & Real Estate - 3 Answers
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1 :
Get a lawyer.
2 :
GET A LAWYER! You should have talked to a lawyer before you stopped paying rent. The Lawyer could have put your rent in escrow till repairs were made to the property. You are now in a legal mess and need a Lawyer. If you are having money problems you might be able to find a Pro-Bono Lawyer ( a Lawyer in training ) who will work for little or no pay, check with legal help groups in your area.
3 :
Wow, talk about Landlord horror stories. I'm sorry you had to go through that & that the niece is such a....well you fill in the blank lol You need to find yourself an attorney & I would look into filing a counter suit against the Niece (or whomever the current owner is). Witholding rent due to repairs is technically unlawful, HOWEVER, denying you entry to the property is called a "Lock Out" and is very illegal. I only know California Law and I'm not sure where you are, but in California if a Landlord has tried the tactics the niece has done she would owe you $100 PER DAY that you have been locked out of this property, lease or no lease, as long as you can prove residency (i.e. a piece of mail with your name & that address). You could also seek damages due to harassment and defamation of character. I would hit Google with a vengeance and find yourself an eviction assistance firm (there's non-profit orgs in every major city). I would also contact your state's Bar Association and ask them for a list of Pro-Bono (FREE) Real Estate Law Attorneys. Then....nail this b*tch to the wall. (metaphorically speaking, of course LOL)

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

I'm thinking about switching careers. I'm currently a property manager. any ideas

I'm thinking about switching careers. I'm currently a property manager. any ideas?
I've been in property management for 9 years. I'm 25. It's the only job I have ever done. However, I hate it. I am going to nursing school at the moment, but need a good job in the mean time. I need to make at least $38,000 a year. I'm great with admin and stuff like that. Very organized. I just hate these country club homeowners. Telling people they can't have this or that on their lot is against everything I stand for and I'm starting to not care. Plus I hate when people call to bitch that "My neighbor planted some tree's 4 ft from my property line. I want them to move them!" and it turns out the trees were actually planted IN THE WOODS! jesus people, there are people starving in china! or "the stop sign on my street has a wooden post instead of the nice black aluminum. i want it changed" jesus christ. it's a sign! and help would be apreciated. I'm in the DC area BTW. VA to be exact. Thanks.
Other - Careers & Employment - 2 Answers
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1 :
Don't take just anything. Sounds like you have some really valuable skills, and I'm sure you can manage something that stresses you out less. Every job has its stresses, but it sounds like you need a certain level of engagement and challenge. Messengers and delivery men make good buck on their own terms and hours. You could also try owning rental property. Also, I would look into some medical business administration positions. You never know.
2 :
I feel for you. I too have been in property management for twelve years, providing oversight of large portfolios of residential, commercial, HOA and medical buildings and let me tell you there is no difference between the different types of tenants or homeowners. Amazingly they all find something to complain about, whether it be they dont like the type of toilet paper in the restrooms, to I made stew in the toilet and now you must fix it. Yes, I actually had a tenant who, used to make stew in her toilet. I haaaate this job with a every grain of passion and the trivial complaints of the tenants and ownership and their ability to take the smallest minutia and call it the explosion of the first atom bomb. . I am despretaly looking for alternatives, however my salary requirement is $80,000.00. I wish I could offer you some advice, however I too am having some difficulty switching my career. If I could turn back time, Real Estate would not be the direction I would have taken.

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Best/easiest Social sciences college course to take

Best/easiest Social sciences college course to take.?
Pick top 3...based on easy, fun idk opinions thankyou. btw im going into nursing and im not stupid but im not the brightest crayon in the box if that matters :) thanks AFA 2000 Intro to African & Diaspora Studies (W) (3) AFS 2250 Culture & Society in Africa (3) AMH 2010 US History to 1877 (W) (3) AMH 2020 US History since 1877 (W) (3) ANT 2000 Intro to Anthropology (3) ANT 2100 Intro to Archaeology (3) ANT 2211 Peoples of the World (W) (3) ANT 2410 Cultural Anthropology (3) ASN 2005 Intro to Asian Studies (3) ASN 2010 Civ of Asia: China & Japan (3) ASN 2011 Civ of Asia: South Asia (3) DEP 2004 Principles of Development (3) ECO 1000 Survey of Economics (3) ECO 2013 Principles of Macro Economics (3) ECO 2023 Principles of Micro Economics (3) EUH 1000 The Western Tradition, Part I (3) EUH 1001 The Western Tradition, Part II (3) EUH 2011 Ancient European History (3) EUH 2021 Medieval European History (3) EUH 2031 Modern European History (3) GEA 2000 Introduction to Geography (3) HSC 2106 Choosing Wellness (3) IDS 1356 Applied Critical Thinking (3) INR 2005 Peace & Conflict in the Public Sphere (3) INR 2015 Global Studies (3) ISS 2011 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (3) ISS 2200 Intro to International Studies (3) LAS 2000 Intro to Latin American Studies (W) (3) MAN 2062 Ethical Issues (3) POS 2041 American National Government (3) POS 2112 State & Local Government & Politics (3) PSY 2012 General Psychology (3) SOP 2770 Introduction to Human Sexuality (3) SYG 2000 Introduction to Sociology (3) SYG 2010 Social Problems (3) SYG 2012 Comp Sociology-Global Issues (3) SYG 2220 Intro to Gender Studies (3) SYG 2231 Intro to African-American Studies (3) SYG 2250 Multicultural Issues (3) SYG 2442 Sociology of Sport (3) WOH 1023 World Civ 1500 -1815 (W) (3) WOH 1030 World Civ since 1815 (W) (3)
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
Whatever your interests are here, you should take the class. You may not like or enjoy the easiest class. Plus you need to go to your advisor first. Because not all of those classes might not count for your degree. go to and check out the teachers first. Read the reviews and decide. But you should go to your advisor first so you are sure you are taking the right course that will transfer to a 4 year college if you are in Community college. And so you will be on the right track for your degree.
2 :
Seriously, take what you are interested in. Stop asking random people on the internet about what classes you should take. They haven't been to your college so it's impossible to know what is easiest. You can't be that serious or interested in college if you only want to take what is easy. But since you are going into nursing take that into consideration. I would think SOP 2770 Introduction to Human Sexuality (3) would be useful. I'm also pretty sure that PSY 2012 General Psychology (3) (or some other psyc class) is required for any nursing program. you should also consider HSC 2106 Choosing Wellness (3) or any anthropology class or sociology class. Good luck.

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