Sunday, February 1, 2009

How can I get a license of physical therapy

How can I get a license of physical therapy?
I am a Chinese majoring in Nursing and have got my bachelor's degree in Medical Science in China. And this fall, I am going to join a PhD program in Rehabilitation Science (not physical therapy) of a university in U.S. But I think it would be much better to have a clinical license in this field. So can anyone tell me whether I can get a license of physical therapy in U.S., and how? Thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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You must go through at least a master's or doctorate level degree in PT (DPT). If you didn't have all the required science courses in your nursing major, you will need to take these first (probably would take 1-2 years) and then you could apply for the graduate level program which is typically another three years. Then you would need to sit for a licensure exam.

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